0183 New Aarch

Competition entry

Year: 2016
Location: Aarhus, DK
Size: 13.000m2
Status: Open Competition, completed

The project proposal for the new school of architecture envisions to build a series of spaces that can be used for the many purposes of the school and also in a way become a teaching instrument for the coming generations of architecture students – a prototype for good spaces.

For a placing on a site we propose the new school as a joint meeting between existing creative culture of Aarhus train station, many pavilions of institute for X and the existing knowledge of situations/spaces imbedded in the strong heritage of the existing school. We propose to position the New Aarch in many ways in the middle of the area in a compact footprint.

Architecturally, we envision a school that is built around one room – a room that consists of a global laboratory facing the student environment. We propose to build the school around 3 themes that will be key points throughout the development: 1. The Great Lab, 2. The Gradient Collection of Programs, 3. The Frame. The organisation of the program is distributed from compact spaces in the dense zone of the southern part of the site to a more open situation in the northern part. The proposed architectural frame is a collection of spaces spanning from the compact administrative office area to an open frame for exhibitions and large works. By combining the different sections in one serial experience we can provide both, well-lit offices spaces and great social workspaces.